Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cali, Colombia

We have officially landed in the motherland of my bae. Cali, Colombia. A country with history, often considered dark, but I will prove to you that the former is not true. 

June 30, 2015

We leave for Colombia, and we are waiting to fly with COPA AIRLINES (a Panamanian airline) from Montreal-Trudeau Airport. By this time I can start to feel a little anxious and nervous as this is the first trip I have ever taken solo, without my parents. Just me and Gian. A trip that will mean a lot to us. As well,  I see how heartfelt and saddened, but at the same time how happy, my father and mom are to let me go on this adventure without them. Approaching customs I start feeling a little uneasy and begin to panic. Do I have everything ? Am I ready for this? So... HERE GOES. My leap of faith. We clear customs and wait at our gate. We board the plane and off we go. 6 hours later, we land in Panama. We have a layover for about one hour before we board the plane to Cali.

1 hour and 10 minutes later, ARRIVED IN CALI, COLOMBIA. My first time ever. Super excited :)

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