Monday, March 7, 2016


So, I am back after a few months of trying to get back my life in order and realizing that I have missed out on this blog!!! I do not know if anyone is even reading what I ever posted but I do not mind since this blog is for my sanity and well being. I enjoy the process of writing to get my thought out on paper and tell you my story....

So I have been put to a challenge. I will take part in a 90 day Health & Fitness challenge with TONE IT UP !!! I need to change my eating habits and become healthier body, mind and soul. So, I will post my journey here displaying my meals and workouts, meditations, quotes and any other thing I find interesting to post.

So here it is DAY 1:  Lets gooo!!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bandeja Paisa

Bandeja paisa, (Paisa refers to a person from the Paisa Region and "bandeja" is Spanish for platter) is a typical meal popular in Colombian cuisine, especially of the Antioquia department and the Paisa Region, as well as with the Colombian Coffee-Growers Axis, and part of Valle del Cauca (Cali Colombia)

The main characteristic of this dish is the generous amount and variety of food in a traditional bandeja paisa: red beans cooked with pork, white rice, carne molida (ground meat), chicharrón, fried egg, plantain (patacones), chorizo, arepa, hogao sauce, black pudding (morcilla), avocado and lemon.

It was my third attempt at this meal and I finished most of it lol...


"Comida" Colommbiana...

Let me  tell you how awesome it is ! With a gastronomic experience influenced by Colombia's Caribbean shoreline, Pacific coast, mountains, jungle, and farmlands, Colombian cuisine is worth a try. I have tried things here that I have never even heard of. And.... the FRUITS OMG. I cannot begin to tell u how many tropical fruits are seen here. Things I have never heard of before. Colombians love to have with their meals a glass of fresh tropical juice, pressed or mixed with water or done "con leche" (with milk). Here are some example of fruits: cape gooseberry, feijoa, arazá, dragon fruit, mangostino, granadilla, papaya, guava, blackberry, lulo, soursop and passionfruit.[3][4]

The Typical Colombian Breakfast
Breakfast in Colombia usually begins with a "calentado" (which included beans usually prepapred the day previously, refried with rice, a fried egg and an arepa) , served with coffee.
As well, some might want to try the "pan de yucca" (yucca bread), cheese rolls or "pan de bono" with a cafe con leche  (latte). Here, we have "queso campesino" (cheese from the local region which is a firm but breakkable cheese)
Arepas are round  flatbreads made of ground corn (maizena) dough which are prominent in Colombian food. Arepas can be served with SOOO MANY THINGS!... For example, with avocado, chorizo (sausage), yucca, cheese, eggs, bandeja paisa and etc.... It is a staple in the Colombian kitchen.
Arepa con huevo (arepa with eggs) seen mostly in the pacific coast of Colombia in the region of Baranquilla.
Arepas with meats

Arepa con queso

Muy Ricooooooo
Pamela XO

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Here, a few pictures of us at the Chipichape Mall, in Cali.

Cali, Colombia

We have officially landed in the motherland of my bae. Cali, Colombia. A country with history, often considered dark, but I will prove to you that the former is not true. 

June 30, 2015

We leave for Colombia, and we are waiting to fly with COPA AIRLINES (a Panamanian airline) from Montreal-Trudeau Airport. By this time I can start to feel a little anxious and nervous as this is the first trip I have ever taken solo, without my parents. Just me and Gian. A trip that will mean a lot to us. As well,  I see how heartfelt and saddened, but at the same time how happy, my father and mom are to let me go on this adventure without them. Approaching customs I start feeling a little uneasy and begin to panic. Do I have everything ? Am I ready for this? So... HERE GOES. My leap of faith. We clear customs and wait at our gate. We board the plane and off we go. 6 hours later, we land in Panama. We have a layover for about one hour before we board the plane to Cali.

1 hour and 10 minutes later, ARRIVED IN CALI, COLOMBIA. My first time ever. Super excited :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


My new obsession. <3
September 30th 2011, Montreal

Pic:  Gianluca Ginoble backstage with my friends and I after their concert at Place Des Arts:)
Lucky Gals!

XO Pamela

Quote of the Day

 Remind yourselves of life's motivational inspirations.